
Path Of Exile 3.6 Synthesis Chaos Inoculation Gearing Guide - How To Swap Into Ci Cheap

3/12/2019 6:00:38 PM

path of exile 3.6 synthesis has launched on xbox one and pc, have you started the new league? here goldkk.com introduces the poe 3.6 synthesis chaos inoculation gearing guide from ziggyd gaming that mainly focuses on what gear to look for to make sure that you can swap into chaos inoculation with around 7000+ energy shield. considering path of exile 3.6 synthesis expansion es spell casting builds, to help you save poe currency cost.


path of exile 3.6 synthesis chaos inoculation build gearing guide

the poe 3.6 chaos inoculation gearing guide focuses on how to transit over to chaos inoculation energy shield full builds when you reach the endgame with capping out your resistance, it works for any poe chaos inoculation build, but considering your first character based on new synthesis league, chaos inoculation swap is most easily done on occultist. 

here is the recommended conditions for swapping to chaos inoculation as below:

- level 70-75

- 20-40 chaos spare

- have your es ascendancy nodes

- 10-15 respecs (swap life to es nodes)

what gear to look for to make sure that you can swap into chaos inoculation?

a tip here is for any rare searches is go to path of exile trade filters, you can look for things after screening, the search condition relevant to the gearing is showing in the following contents.


body armor (430 energy shield/430 energy shield craftable resistance) - one of the most important slots on path of exile 3.6 synthesis chaos inoculation build is your chest armor, which is the biggest source of energy shield and that is indeed the priority. there are two ways you can go about this at early endgame, if you are playing a bane build or a cold dot occultist build, then you have lots of damage and can easily get away with a four-link, makes the items really cheap in the beginning and you can get more energy shield.

each unique poe items added to your builds won't have any resistances, it has a fair bit of damage and some area effect have increased damage taken mod on that. the alternative option is five-link level 75 occultist vestment which has a lot of spell damage, the mid-priced widowsilk robes which have a bit of more energy shield but no spell damage and those are usually cheap and the vaal regalia have the most energy shield but those are usually substantially more expensive. if you choose this solution, you may be going to pick up one white five linked of those bases and try to craft it, fossil crafting is the most consistent way to do so with extra energy shield suffix, poe dense fossils can land.

helmet (190 energy shield/190 energy shield craftable resistance) - another important slots for poe 3.6 synthesis chaos inoculation build is the helmet, a pretty big source of energy shields. if you're looking at rare, there are two decent unique items, one is rime gaze for cold dot build, it has a very good amount of energy shield and actually very good damaged, the other one is doedre's scorn for bane build, a bit less energy shield, but it has some good damage boosts for a chaos build.

shield (200 energy shield/200 energy shield craftable resistance) - path of exile shield themselves are also next big slot for energy shield. 

gloves (80 energy shield with resistance/80 energy shield & resistance & craftable resistance /vixen's entrapment for curse).

boots (90 energy shield & 55 resistances & 25% movements speed/rainbowstride) - for boots movement speed is the most important slot, you need to look for 25% increased movements speed, energy shield is not really matter on boots. rainbowstride conjurer boots will probably be cheaper than equivalent rare boots in synthesis league. 

belt (bated breath) - for belt, bated breath are very cheap and really hard to beat, it's a big source of energy shield on an early endgame.

rings (dream fragments/rare 110% resistance/rare 90% craftable resistance) - for rings the first one is going to be the dream fragments, the most consistent and safest choice and usually not too expensive, if you are playing a chaos build or some other chaos inoculation build, the easiest source of freeze immunity, which is very important for ci build as you will be frozen all the time otherwise dream fragments gives a bit of resistances. the second one, energy shield is not the priority on rings  where you can get the largest single item amount of resistances early in game. you could potentially get a better ring later and then craft it.

amulet (25 energy shield, 10% energy shield & 20% resistance/30 energy shield, 14% energy shield & craftable resistance) - finally the amulet is the place to get a fair bit of energy shields and potentially solve the leftover little residual problems, amulets with 25+ energy shield on it and not much resistances are generally pretty cheap and usually get some dexterity, most of these builds will need some extra dexterity, if you can pick up some on the amulet you'll usually save a passive point.

tips you should notice for path of exile 3.6 synthesis chaos inoculation swapping

- once you have got all of your items slots filled out,  if you've got some rares with some open suffixes, leave master crafting resistances till last to make it easiest to purchase gear and keep things cheap and reach 75% cap on each of your resistances.

- do not going to far over to not waste resistances. 

- do this after kitava act 10 where you get a res penalty. 

- don't forget to change your flasks and make sure you have bleed, ignite, freeze and shock immunity. curse immunity is great as well. 

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