
POE 3.19 Leveling Guide - Best Ways To Level Up In Path Of Exile 3.19

9/27/2022 3:24:22 PM

Getting to level 95 in Path of Exile 3.19 can suck. A small mistake can set you back way more than you think, maybe you didn't pay super close attention to the map mods and accidentally hit a reflect enemy, maybe there was a blight and you were just a little bit too greedy and all of this seems to happen right when you're at 95 exp just before you level up and your exp is safe. This is the best POE 3.19 leveling guide for a player who is struggling to level up for more content.


POE 3.19 Leveling Guide - Best Ways To Level Up In Path Of Exile 3.19

If you're super so frustrated that sometimes you just give up and you want to do all this fun but dangerous content like go fight bosses and do all those dangerous delirious out corrupted tier 16 maps. But you can't if you are chained slaving away at trying to get that experience. So the best POE 3.19 leveling tip is to buy a 5-way carry. Because 5-way carriers have aurobots which make it a much safer experience, the exp is absurdly fast. Nine levels in 15 minutes which is completely absurd. What's even better is you can basically do this while completely AFK. Though if you are going to do this there are some best practices that you should follow.


Best POE 3.19 Leveling Tips

Cap Your Chaos Res

That little chaos volatiles from toxic is the thing, that is most likely to kill you. If you're ci, you completely negate this. But if you're a life-based character, chaos res will be the difference between gaining exp and losing exp.


Get A Decent Amount of Life or You're Ci Energy Shield

After all, you don't really need to be too tanky. You have an aurobot there if it's going to make your life super easy. But you do want to do your best to stay alive. So click a few extra life nodes, maybe put on a big old beefy chest piece or something and you'll be good to go. It's also important to remember that this is an investment and you're investing in experience, so you should do your best to maximize that. You can wear things to increase your experience gained.


Experience Gear is Super Helpful

If you're going to be leveling up gems as well something that you absolutely might as well do since often you get so much gem exp. You can pretty much pay for the service with the gems you level for participating in the service then if you're leveling something like empower enlightened or enhanced, you might want either haku weapons or a dialys malefaction. Although these are far from required, you can always just level up all quality or regular old gems and sell those off for a profit after you're done.


Follow Instructions

If the carry-over resetter or the aurobot is asking you to do something, then do your best to follow instructions. Remember if you're being difficult, you're not just wasting your own time, you're wasting 5 other people's time. Even if you don't like how one person is handling things, it's not really fair to the other four people who did nothing wrong to have their service disrupted. So if you really don't like something that's going on, just follow some instructions. If something's really bad, ask for a refund and leave early. If it gets really really bad, report it to TFT moderation. They will step in and do their best to mediate the issue.


Other Rotas vs 5-ways

In both of those, you're kind of on your own. People might have auras and people might be killing stuff quickly. But it's not nearly as organized and the exp isn't nearly as fast. You'll get a couple of levels per run and you'll have to constantly be buying in and shifting between groups. Furthermore, because there's no guarantee of an aurobot, you'll need a lot more defenses which means it's much harder to actually wear exp gear. Maybe you have a friend who is an aurobot maybe you are the aurobot, in which case it's a lot easier to join anything at all. But in general, 5-ways are by far the most efficient way to get experience. You'll probably want to get your character to around level 80 before you hop in, as otherwise there will be some diminishing returns on experience.


In general, runs tend to cost around 2 divines per 5. The amount changes based on the economy, but usually, it's not super expensive. One thing that's important to remember is much like how you upgrade your gear to increase character power, levels are character power. On average, each level you gain should be a 2-4% increase in total character power. Think of it as doing 2 to four percent more damage, but sometimes there are certain thresholds that are vastly more efficient. Let's say you need just a couple more levels to fit in a watcher's eye, well in that case it might be 10 or even 15 power for just 2 or 3 levels. Maybe you want to fit a flesh and flame but again you're just one jewel socket short. You could drop a notable, but your trees already stretch pretty tightly and you don't want to give up anything else important. In situations like these, this is absolutely the best investment that you can make for your money.


One other advantage that it has over all the other rotos is it's almost completely AFK. There's very little you have to worry about or even pay attention to since it's super safe, and vicari and the resetter already have it handled.