
Path Of Exile 3.7 Crafting Guide/Tips - POE Legion Crafting For Profit, Melee & Cyclone Gear

6/28/2019 3:50:20 PM

The new league mechanics in Path of Exile 3.7, the Legion League, has been mixed among many of the players in POE. Crafting (both for profit and for personal use) is an important aspect of every season in Path of Exile, and one that is very often underrated and underused by many players. This is mostly due to the complexity of the crafting systems, and how difficult it is to tell what you should be doing to not only not simply waste your currency, but actually make gains. Here goldkk.com will share the Path of Exile 3.7 Legion crafting guide/tips which would be a great help to all of the players. What's more, you can always get cheap POE currency from us.

Path Of Exile 3.7 Crafting Guide

Related Read: Path Of Exile 3.7 Leveling Guide 

Path Of Exile 3.7 Crafting Tips - Crafting For Profits In POE Legion League 

POE Item Crafting System

- Path of exile crafting is to make or improve the POE items with specific currency and orbs through change the number of modifiers. 

- POE currency is needed to upgrade items or for other uses in crafting and trading, the most crafting process is expensive, but you can sell your crafted items with a higher price than the investment, so successful crafting can be profitable. 

- In path of exile, you have 5 flask slots and 10 equipment slots, there are a primary and a secondary slot. the number of possible sockets of your equipment is determined by the items you used and item levels, for example, most belts, amulets, rings, and quivers don't have sockets.

- The rarities of POE 3.7 items including normal (white), magic (blue), rare (yellow) and unique (orange), which decide what orbs can be used on it.

POE 3.7 Crafting For Profits

You can use two different high demand bases for this crafting session, Steel Ring and Spiked Gloves. There are two reasons for using these bases:

- Spending currency crafting is expensive and doing it on a good base is just smart business. Get good rolls on a good base might 2x (or more) your profits.

- Both these bases are good for melee builds like cyclone. Right now about half of all the players in end game are playing cyclone and most of them are looking for this kind of items, supply and demand.

If you get a tax speed and a life and some resist you're into the big bucks, so you definitely want the taxpayer because a tax paid for cyclone character especially scales very well with our damage, so any resistance here and and the gloves we go for eye level 84 because that's the maximum role, if you can see here for the Tier one in resistance for the Rings and physical damage to attacks very good and elemental, most people are doing physical right now and then convert it from there if they want to, if you want life role and what else accuracy again and this one Intel intelligence is very good.

Intel intelligence

We're just gonna take one of these items and just go at it until we hit something good. Then we're gonna scour it out kit and scouring, we could put them on each side, so there's some delay in between and you will just house when that actually occur should not take that long. We have our first item, we have high armor pretty high life, not the best tier two in attack speed and high fire risk. So obviously we can craft on these, so we can decide what kind of profit we want, we can either have a suffix or a prefix of both for good. So this one is definitely gonna sell. We have already fire assist, so you can do a lightning and it's a free c1, we can add that to the cost. 

One of these are done, then we're gonna jump into the next one. These gloves are on the middle ground. I'm not used more than it's a 10 or something of these so 10 alchemy Orban 10 they're scouring. What can we actually craft on these no prefix which doesn't matter really, because the good ones are on the suffixes, I guess we can go for a tack speed for two. So that we add to the cost and we go to the next one, these fire cold and lightning that means we cannot drop any more suffixes, but I think we should be good on crafting, we could invest in Melly gems and extra weapon unarmed range because these are very juicy on the resist and 100 life that is good combo.

These gloves

These gloves are also borderline, has a lot of string, a lot of armor attack speed and Tier one lightning, I think we probably just need to craft life from these and call it the day, then we're just gonna put it into the cell tab and drop them cell. So in case they sell, some of these it's probably low, so we're gonna start with the Rings, this one is good if we cannon all off the evasion or the life actually would be perfect, this one will be so good come off and the wrong one do, it's already what can we craft on it basically such a good drink. 

such a good drink

We can spend a lot of POE currency on this one well it could have been multiple like 10 exalted ring, but we blew it we're definitely up to free exalted. This one we definitely want to keep, we wanna also craft life from this one anything close to 50 would be good, if you want good you can put back down alarms and this one should definitely sell. We can put them up for 1.5 maybe we’ll need to go back to these and just check the prices so we go with the last one here and we're definitely gonna have things over unless this one is super cursed. I managed to do one, this one is pretty good, I think it's tier one life so that's why I did it got some resistance intellect is always selling good, so just gonna go down and cross something else so we've got fire we go for cold and maybe always and we got maximum good, that was all the rings all the gloves, if something sells we can just go back. Now we have them priced pretty steeply, so this might not sell at all. If they do, we can basically making money back because we have quite a lot of currency still left here. So I think this just shows that there is some currency to be made in this as long as you're hitting a little bit of luck.  

Guess you ask