
Elden Ring Beginner Guide: How To Get Op, Weapons, Spells & More In Early Games

3/4/2022 4:15:15 PM

Elden Ring has finally been released, how to get op early in the games? In this Elden Ring early game guide, we show you the best tips and tricks to pick up early that'll improve your playthrough, be it damage or flask upgrades or weapons and spells. As well as how to get a plus three weapon easy peasy in one spot without having to run around the entirety of limb grade four.


Elden Ring Beginner Guide: How To Get Op, Weapons, Spells & More In Early Games

Route 1

When you start the game make sure to get your horse as soon as possible. You can summon Melana by discovering and resting at three graces in the open world. Obviously, the starting grace is one definitely get the merchant grace here or you should a hundred percent buy the torch that he sells as there are many areas that are pitch black where the torch can come in handy. And the frog calling finger remedy is how you'll be able to summon for help, so buy that if you want to the co-op. Pick up the shard at the anvil and the last grace will be here which also has a map fragment in the area, so you actually see what the map looks like.


You can also pick up a flail in the chest in the carriage which will come in handy for quality or deck builds as bleed is seemingly the most powerful thing early on, where attacking the enemy will build up a hidden meter and when that meter is full, the enemy will take blood loss for huge damage. Then go to the next grace across the street, then head down into the lake this is where you can get 10 shards the fastest as well as a somber shard for unique weapons. All the enemies here are weak to blunt damage, so backstabs will usually one-shot them even at plus zero. These enemies can also drop shards but for the most part, you're just going to run around and collect little spots all over the cave until you get them all.


There are also extra hidden paths by jumping near the elevators that you find. It leads to a somber shard that is used to upgrade unique weapons such as reduvia. Once you reach the boss room, kill yourself. So you spawn back at the grave and you have to run all the way back. as you can't warp in caves and the boss drop is not worth the trouble.


Route 2

Go back to the outside and warp back to the gate front. From here, it's your choice if you wanted to upgrade the flask or not. If so, the next part will add about 10 minutes to your time without the need for combat. From the gate front, use a torrent to run past every enemy that you see along your way. There is a golden tree on the trail which gives you a golden seed to get a total of 5 flasks or 6 if you started with a golden seed as the starting gift. Keep heading straight till you find grace with an NPC in a shack, talk to her, and then go back down east to get an extra three shards for free.


Head up north some cliffs until you see a lone giant and grab the crystal tear. Do a 180 back south to safely get off the cliff and then head east. You'll find a shack and a grace with a merchant that sells ashes of wars including quickstep which you can attach to most weapons. If you need Elden Ring runes for this or just in general, curve towards the right of the rocks and there will be a grave with lots of runes. Grab them all and then go further till you reach a field full of giants. There is a statue there with a cut in it to attract the giant to break it and your reward is five times normal shards and one level two. So that's like 18 total shards in less than 10 minutes so far. From the giants, the field goes back to the shack and follows the road which will lead to the next grace before a bridge.


Route 3

Run on the left side to pick up even more stones, so now you have enough to upgrade two weapons to plus three. Across the bridge is a merchant, pass him and start heading down south to another shack. For another shard and grace, go right directly east for another gravesite for more runes. And towards the cliff are platforms you can take to get down to the bottom, stick towards the left side and you can get a level 2 shard immediately on your way down before a big bear and wolves ambush you.


You'll eventually arrive at a church of America that contains a sacred tier. An Elden Ring item that increases the potency of your flask, as well as a flask of physics. An additional flask you can combine crystal tiers with to make cool combinations of buffs and healing and they refill at the shrine just the same as a flask.


Route 4

For the second tier and access to the round table head back to storm hill shack and this will be the route you take to get to the next church. Follow the road till you see a bunch of trees and go that way instead which leads to a bridge and grandma passer. There's a beetle down below that gives ash of war storm wall. Go back up and enter a secret path on the right and that literally takes you all the way to the next grace.


Then the church for the tier there's also a guy who sells sorceries in case he didn't pick Astro or George classes but were not done. From here go back to the church with Santa near the beginning. Rena will be waiting to provide you with a wolf pack and bell for free. Rest at Liguria grace.


Roundtable Hold

We just got in Alyona for melanoma to appear and take you to the round table hold. A hub of tarnished NPCs and some goodies if you have the keys. Faith pros can get a lot of incantations from Armin. There's also a blacksmith to upgrade your weapon to plus four. Now that you have all those shards and don't forget to upgrade your flask with the seeds and tears as well as mix your physics potion. If you talk to the blacksmith and go through the dialogue about Roderick then talk to her and then back to him and reload the round table map, she'll be laying down near him as a new smith to upgrade your spirits, which you'll need grave glove wards to do.


The final step is to return to the shack that you found Roderick which will now have another golden seed there and that is how you get a plus-four weapon, a plus-three weapon, six plus two flask, and a wondrous potion in about 20 minutes from the start of a new character. So with minimal combat needed if at all. So insane start pretty much easy mode for new players if you want to enjoy the game but are not that good at it. This time you can heal better and you can deal more damage. Although you still got a dodge.


Combat Tips

If you are melee, spam jump attacks, spam charge attacks, the r1 meta is over. The posture system is so crazy. It kind of simplifies the gameplay but it's the mechanic at play. So take advantage of it.


Faith Gear/Spells

Now first off for faith builds wanting dragon mancy, you need to go to the dragon communion ruins, kill agil in the lake with your plus 3 or plus 4 weapons to obtain a dragon heart. Its head is its weak spot and you basically just do charge attacks on horseback to take it down. But kill or not head to near the coast on the left side of the starting point, there is a merchant here if you want to buy arrows for archer builds. But otherwise, there will be a cave leading to a super easy mini-boss. You can even summon an NPC for the fight as well, super easy mode.


After beating the bosses instead of taking the monument that transports you back. There is an extra path, so use your torch and navigate it and upon exit, you will end up on the island, dragon communion church is at. So get the grace, pray at the altar and you can choose one out of three dragon spells. The Dragonfire helps a ton with aoe and it has the least requirements, so you can use it earlier than the other ones.


1 Unique Weapon Upgrade

Now for everyone else go to the left side of the church, there is a white beetle kill it and you get a somber stone. Now you have enough to plus one unique weapon. If you went to the mines nearby that is a corpse and the reward is a level 2 smithing stone. As far as getting a seal to cast incantations if you didn't start with profit, you can buy one from the twin maiden husk in the round table. There is an invader in the round table and once defeated you can get the cipher patter which are insane fist weapons that are pure faith. They're literally lightsaber fists.


INT Gear/Spells

For harry potters, make sure to go to waypoint ruins. You'll have to beat pumpkinhead but you'll unlock an NPC that can sell you spells.


Fastest Way To Get Roundtable Pizza

As far as getting a wand if you didn't starve astrologer or prisoner and this goes for everyone. Go to the ideal worship temple, in the tunnel, the chest will transport you to a mid-game zone. This place also has tons of upgrade materials but is harder to clear. But the easy way is just to take them down the most paths on the left and you can reach grace. Once getting that, there is a new path that opens up to a whole new zone.


There is a path you can get another grace and rest at this one will trigger the round table cut scene from melanoma. This is the fastest way to get the roundtable if you wanted to go there asap. Follow this path and eventually, you'll get a meteorite staff on this ledge that can't be upgraded but it deals more damage for spells. So perfect for early game and saves you having to upgrade your staff for a while.

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