
Best 5 Elden Ring Boss Weapons- Highest Damage Weapons in Elden Ring Weapon Lists

3/30/2022 6:25:41 PM

Elden ring has a lot of weapons, but it actually only has a few boss weapons, the special weapons that come from remembrance souls that you can go to the two fingers and swap into whatever you want they all come with a very unique design and unique ashes of war.

Today put together the top five, so let's get into it for the best boss strength weapon, a lot of people are gonna be happy with this! 


Best 5 Elden Ring Boss Weapons- Highest Damage Weapons in Elden Ring Weapon Lists 

Starscourge greatsword- the strength weapon

The star scourge greatsword or called great swords, you can get two of them when you equip it, the one weapon in one slot and when use light attacks, actually end up using both weapons.

If try to use l1 which would normally use due to wielded power stance weapons and use both of them, all that happens is to do a two-hand or multiple weapon plunge. To press a light attack, it comes with physical and magic damage which will ultimately accrue to the total ar of this weapon, and it has a shockingly good B grade scaling to say that it also scales with intelligence and decks as well.

It incredibly has a c scaling with the strength which makes no sense considering, it doesn't have something like intelligence like the star scourge greatsword has and its ar is lower when you're two handing, as well, it does have the unique ash of war that does give you some attack power pumping up to over 900, but its move set is just very poor.

A good weapon in PvE or PVP, it's just not very good and its stats are just confusingly low, it really should have a higher scaling on its strength meanwhile again, the star scores great sword reliable solid great moveset, and great stats.

It comes with the star caller cry ash of war which stomps down pulls enemies in, and then you do the big slam for a reasonable amount of FP for its design as a boss weapon. When you trade with them, you're obviously gonna get hit by that second one which is gonna be huge very scary damage when it comes to the action war, it's unlikely you're gonna get off that second part of the ash of war the explosion right.

Hand of mal enia- the dex weapon

The dex weapon, this is an obvious one, there isn't one even remotely close right, it's the hand Melania the katana that Melania uses a really cool design. A subtle gold weapon is very long, actually almost as long as the very long katanas, the washing poles, the nagakiba.

Now of course the downside with a weapon, the base stats, it scales at a B rating with decks, compared to the rating that you could get on your other katanas, using keen and it has slightly less range than a nag Akiba for the same weight.

Why would you use this weapon? Why do consider it a good weapon?

Because of the ash of war, waterfowl dance is the incredible iconic attack that Melania uses against you swinging into all of these attacks leaping forward, and ultimately slashing the air apart, while you don't have the exact same ridiculous tracking, you can free aim this and that can be incredible in aoe scenario or in PVP where you've got someone caught in a tight area, 

A top pick to swap to during combat for your deck's builds, the downside of the ash of war is, it's very obvious and easy to avoid by just running away from it, so pulling it out in an obvious way in a jewel is probably not going to be reliable or consistent, this being beneficial is a surprise attack something to pull out when they've committed really hard against you or again you're in a 1v2 scenario where they're a bit overconfident and you can pull this out and surprise them in PvE.

Mohgwyn's sacred spear-the arcane weapon

It's even up for debate, this is a straightforward answer, this incredible spear is Mogwin's sacred spear, it is the weapon that is used against you by Moog himself, of course, is the weapon he uses new against you, which you can use in the exact same way for huge aoe around you dealing blood loss or blood build-up which is huge damage when it procs of course blood is nuts right now.

Especially when you're running an arcane build which is perfect, of course when you use it buffs up the weapon increasing its damage, this is a fire-based weapon. So you're gonna get some bonus fire damage while it is of course buffed up it has 718 ar with my interesting stats right now this is to make this build work for PVP the ar goes up to 748 when you of course use the ash of war to buff up its damage to get some more fire damage on the weapon, so a really solid AR for a weapon that isn't based on decks or even strength in some cases with spears and is again a spear, a really reliable spear.

An incredibly cool and versatile useful ash of war for bleed build-up. You can get more damage and now you have the fire buff as well on the weapon itself which is a really solid spear with a great Mooser, this weapon in PVP, it's one of the best picks that you can go for arcane.

In general, not just as a boss weapon when it comes to aoe, if you can get this off in PvE you're not gonna get interrupted. They walked into it when it was basically done and it still killed them in boss fights that l2 damage is really respectable.

Blasphemous blade- the overall best weapon

The blasphemous blade is an incredible weapon for three major reasons, its design is absolutely gnarly and horrific, the writhing hands of the family of Reichard and the serpent family, then you have the ash of war the takers' flames which is a long-range very powerful ash of war that cleans house in a weekly for PvE, and then PVP, you can catch people out for a proper vigor check with this thing, and it's well worth your FP.

You have the passive effect of this weapon where you get health back when you defeat an enemy meaning what you can do is instead of running it, as your main hand you could run it, as an offhand you could have it equipped and just have it on your back not even thinking about it, while you run the main weapon getting the perks of that weapon's passive, if you have the endurance for it brilliant for progressing the game, then because you're going to be able to sustain through levels, as you're taking hits and exploring statistically, it's just a great option a B scaling faith weapon with C on strength and C on decks that are really solid.

Sacred relic sword- the wildcard weapon

Sacred relic sword, the final boss weapon,  due to you know the Elden ring rune farm strategy which is a huge cone aoe that just goes like a wave, it's literally called the wave of gold and huge damage, holy damage and perfect for rune farming.

This is actually good in PvE and PVP, it looks really cool in that glow that builds up from the base of the blade to the tip, just having it on your shoulder when you're walking around is really cool for a holy night style of gameplay. You have a really nice move set with the weapon, the bass move set's really nice. 

Sacred relic sword is really cool in PVP and the Asha war is neat, it's good for invasions, when you're dealing with 1v2s, you're catching people out or there's a sort of battle or 2v2 happening there, it would be really good, but in duels, it's definitely predictable.     

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