
Path of Exile Best Sentinel Starter Builds - Top 3 Best Builds In PoE 3.18

6/10/2022 5:29:10 PM

Path of Exile 3.18 is a little bit different from 3.17 or even any other normal league start which is there aren't really new builds to play. So little has changed that all the starters who were good in 3.17 are also good in 318. What's the best starter build in Path of Exile 3.18 sentinel? Today, we are talking about the best league starters to play in Path of Exile 3.18. With the goal of playing one singular build all the way from level 1 to the new uber pinnacle bosses. In other words for something to be on this list, it has to be good from day one to day 90 of a league. 


Path of Exile Best Sentinel Starter Builds - Top 3 Best Builds In PoE 3.18

All of these Path of Exile 3.18 sentinel builds scale well from an early level. In most cases, you'll be able to level with them or pick them up by the time you get to maps. It also means they have to give you access to both damage and defenses without needing too much gear. Finally, it means the build has to have an incredibly high top-end when min-maxed. So if you keep playing it you can play it to the point where you're easily able to take on all of the uber content. Whether you're looking for something to start or something to take on ubermaven, these are the best PoE starter builds will work for you.


1. PoE Best Starter Builds For Bad Exiles

Righteous fire inquisitor is one of the most satisfying builds. If you consider yourself a bad exile or you simply want to be lazy without having to manage a billion key binds, then rf inquisitor is the best Path of Exile 3.18 build for you. Between righteous fire and a legacy of fury, the clear is as simple as a shield charging through enemies and watching them burn. On the other hand if you get to a tanky boss or a rare, maybe same with a few arch-nemesis mods, then drop down a fire trap and watch it pop. This is by far the tankiest build on the list. Once you get your aegis aurora and your melting of flesh up and running, you'll have a massive amount of both life and es recovery. Even in endgame content, your health will barely move. This build is also an excellent choice for new players.


If you live without the adrenaline rush of knowing the next white rat over there can kill you, this is not the build for you. It's not going to be the fastest build in PoE either. Though once you get legacy of fury, the speed is more unreasonable to the point where you probably won't notice it feeling slow. Firetrap is very easy to scale since the spell damage bonus from your rf is applied to your fire trap thus scaling your single target and both of these skills scale primarily off of gem levels. You can very heavily focus on life armor and other defenses on your gear which is why this is one of the safest builds to take you from twilight strand all the way to uber, uber elder.


2. PoE Best Starter Builds For Damage

People either love or hate spectral helix. The truth is g spectral helix raider is a great boss killer and the mapping's pretty decent. Just remember you don't have to stick around to watch pax die, you can throw a helix. If damage is for you, then spectral helix is a very good choice. You get to scale all the damage by taking nightblade early on. From there, you can swap to a tri-eli claw and use trinity support. Although if you're looking for a starting weapon, it's really hard to beat the white wind. Spectral helix can hit bosses multiple times and it scales incredibly well off a far shot. So you can expect bosses and even rares to melt within a couple of seconds. If you like fast builds that can absolutely blow up bosses but aren't pure glass cannons, something that you can play from day one and take all the way to uber, uber elder. Then we suggest spectral helix raider. This also has a nice advantage of built-in ailment immunity.


3. PoE Best Started Builds For Speed

What if you do want to go fast while mapping and you're a little bit of a more advanced player. This is a tricky one since most of the mapping builds sacrifice a lot of their defenses and a lot of their damage and then just fix it with a headhunter. However, there's one build that's gotten a lot of popularity in the past which can leverage some new mechanics like melding of a flesh and strike, a good balance between a zoomy mapper and a reasonably tanky boss killer. If you're a beginner, we suggest playing the rf inquisitor instead, but if you're comfortable just grabbing a character from PoE ninja and going, then you should do pretty well with this build.


The modern version of this build it's definitely a well proven league starter. Especially with ashes of the stars you can get going on fairly little gear or alternatively, you can just play spouselinger for super easy leveling. Misspelling your setup would be corrupting fever in a four link using something like kinetic blast to attack and then spell slinging reap and exsanguinate. This means your corrupting fever stacks will ram to 10 almost instantly and on top of that, the base damage of your gems should carry you to maps, no problem. If this is going to have any weaknesses then much like the spectral helix raider, elemental damage is going to be its weakness. So stacking some max res will be a very good idea. And while the sheet damage for this build isn't too impressive.

If you're a little bit more of an experienced player or you're a veteran who's come back and wanted to play the build they loved back in the ultimatum, corrupting fever gladiator could very well be the build to take you all the way from level 1 to the 90day of sentinel. If gladiator really isn't your thing remember you can always swap to champion later after you steal bleeds explode via flesh and flame.



If you want a build that you can play starting from day one, you wash up on the twilight strand and take it all the way through uber maven, uber cirrus and uber uber elder. A build that you can keep playing until the very last day of sentinel. Above are the 3 best PoE 3.18 sentinel builds for 3 different play styles. If you want something that's very ssf friendly, easy to play in general, and forgiving of your mistakes then rf inquisitor is the build for you. If you have the highest possible boss damage and you're comfortable in your ability to dodge while not having to rely on a pure glass cannon, spectral helix raider is the best for you, especially early on having the ailment immunity will matter far more than you can imagine if you haven't played of a build that uses the purity of elements for day one or two. If you just want to go fast and then occasionally slow down and kill a boss or two, corrupting fever gladiator is the best Path of Exile 3.18 build for beginners.

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