
Path Of Exile Keyboard Shortcuts Guide - 3.5 Version Settings & Shortcuts Instructions For Poe Beginners

1/22/2019 4:53:17 PM

path of exile 3.5 version has been officially launched, you can buy it on ps4, switch, pc and ps4 now. but before playing the game, it is very important to master poe operating skills. in poe game if you want to survive in one piece, you’ll have to upgrade your passive skills wisely and tailor it with poe skill gems to both your play style (including be familiar with the keyboard shortcuts) and to your character’s strengths. complex keyboards have always been what players need to know first. so goldkk.com here present a path of exile keyboard shortcuts guide for poe beginners. 

path of exile keyboard shortcuts guide

path of exile shortcuts tips for beginners

this poe shortcuts tutorial will present the basic shortcuts, skill shortcuts, item shortcuts, chat and instruction code.

basic shortcuts

tab: map on/off

c: character interface

i: equipment packs

m: mall props

s: social interface

o: system settings

u: task map

z: items displays

h: achievements interface

x: change weapons

shift: hold while clicking lmb to attack without moving around

skill shortcuts

q, w, e, r, t: using skills

d: detonate a mine

a: select corpses

item shortcuts

ctrl + ←: fast moving poe items 

shift + ←: separate items

click → to select the props you need + shift: continuous use 

ctrl + alt + ←: highlight items on the channel


press ctrl + ←: reduplicate map and select diversion


enter: local

shift + # or shift + enter: global

shift + % or ctrl + shift + enter: party

shift + @ or ctrl + enter: whisper

shift + $: trade

shift + &: guide

shift + ^: twitch

enter chat panel and input global x to switch chat frequency shunt.

enter trade panel and input trade x to switch trade frequency shunt.

instruction code

ladder: display the top 10 players of the ladder.

played: display how long you’ve been playing.

- age: display how long your role have been created.

- deaths: display the number of deaths.

- destroy: delate the items you’ve picked up. (permanent deletion cannot be restored)

- items level: display your items level. (very often used)

- bug: report an error and give you a record code.

- invite: invite players into a team

- friend: add players to friends

- ignore: add the player to blacklist

unignore: remove the player from blacklist

- unignore list: remove all players from blacklist

- whois: query the status of the specified player.

- passives: display the talents you obtained from tasks.

- remaining: display the remaining monsters in the map.

the rest can use help to query instruction code.

the above are all about beginner path of exile keyboard controls, if you master all these poe operating skills, you will play very smoothly in the game. and if you have any demand of buying path of exile currency, goldkk.om here always provides cheap poe currency with fast delivery!

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