
Rocket League Advanced Tutorial - 5 Crazy Things Pro Rocket League Players Will Do

12/7/2018 5:27:29 PM

do you want to know how the pro rocket league players play the game and use which technique? do you want to learn advanced rocket league tactic and technique and beat opponents in the competition? next, goldkk.com will bring the rocket league advanced tutorial of 5 crazy things pro rocket league players will do.

rocket league advanced tutorial 001

1. rocket league half flip challenge
let get into the first rocket league tutorial, if you in the situation where your back is facing the ball and have an opportunity to challenge but not enough time to turn around, the best option is actually to just challenge backward, backflipped but to take it a step further and do a half flip challenge, basically just keep the ball behind your car and half flip into it over and over again, you can practice this pretty easily and free play then get good at it, but it's not very common, only a small percentage of players would choose to do this, but it's also very useful.


2. the half flip shot
the second one with rocket league half flip is half flip shot. in the game, you can cancel your front flip on your shots to really give yourself a better position after the shot and you don't lose any power, but your momentum is just different, basically you just go to hit your shot and after you dodge forwards pull the analog stick backwards, so you'll still flip forwards with all the same momentum and power but your car won't flip all the way overall.


3. using tornado spins
the next one  pro rocket league players will use is tornado spins, but actually implementing it into shots and really into air dribbles is another thing entirely. tornadoes spinning on air dribbles, in particular, is really common among the pro players and you can really see its benefits, such as uses tornado spins to stay under the ball while getting those really soft touches, that's a great way to basically get your car to the ball quickly while not hitting the ball too far away from your car.


4. switching to car cam
before pro players hit the ball, they switch to car cam, the first is that it keeps your view that is what you're looking at really varied, so if you switch back and forth on every dodge you may be rotating back and you're always keeping an eye on the ball and maybe the boost that you're trying to pick up sort of keeps you looking at different places, it really makes you feel like you're just moving quicker. hitting the ball around besides the fact that just mechanically beyond almost anyone in the world, all those little switches over and over again make things feel speedy to the point where you watch.


5. the perma air roll
the last rocket league advanced tutorial is the perma air roll, this is basically you hold air roll just like some players hold ball camp and if you want to stop air rolling you let go of the button in a
gimmicks case, to fly straight at the ball with some small air rolls but spinning the entire time will take away some of your momentum, this is worth trying sometime if you like the mechanical skills, if you hold a roll on the take-off for an aerial you have to make some twists from the way to the ball because you can't direct your car while holding air roll without twisting, so you need to move your car to the ball but  twisting at the same time.


this will be all about the 5 insane rocket league tips, if you need cheap rocket league items, keys, decals, toppers, boosts, wheels and more, please head over to goldkk.com, buy rl items with coupon code "key" enjoy 5% discount! there are also price trends of each item to help you make more accurate trade.


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