
How To Get Bamboo & Bamboo Shoots In Animal Crossing

1/27/2021 9:31:39 AM

How To Get Bamboo

The most effective way to get bamboo is to go to Bamboo Island. Bamboo Island is full of bamboo, and there are a lot of bamboo shoots to dig.

Bamboo shoots can be eaten directly, can also be used as raw materials for making furniture, and can also be used as seeds of bamboo.

Similar to fruit trees, bamboo shoots grow into bamboo four days after planting. The newly grown bamboo will generate a certain number of bamboo shoots around, but after players dig once, the bamboo will not continue to produce bamboo shoots.

Things You Need To Know Before Planting Your Bamboo

1. The law of bamboo planting is similar to that of fruit trees. Bamboo can grow in four days due to the influence of planting density.

2. The fruit of bamboo doesn't grow on the tree. You can't harvest anything by shaking the tree. The fruit of bamboo is only the bamboo shoots buried in the nearby fields, and each bamboo will bear fruit only once.

3. Each bamboo can provide three bamboo materials every day. During the period from February 25 to May 31 in the northern hemisphere, there is a chance that spring shoots will fall when cutting bamboo. During the period from August 25 to November 30 in the southern hemisphere, bamboo shoots are likely to fall when they are cut.

4. If you want to get stable bamboo materials, you can plan a bamboo forest on your own island.


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